Sunday, November 22, 2009

Long Range Plan for Technology

I'm aware that we as a society are going to have to make sure that technology instruction must improve in the classrooms in order for us to stay in competition with our global counterparts. This long range plan was very informative in that it stated what had to be done and what the goals were for education. Understanding that our students need to be globally aware and collaboratively working together was a key to all parts of the plan. The plan addressed the future challenges that we will face as educators and what is needed to prepare for those. A huge responsibility is on our shoulders as educators in making sure that we address the needs of the learners in technology. New skills that educators will have to address include analytical problem-solving as well as reasoning and assessment of skills. Collaboration and data-gathering will be a large part of their education. The long range plan addressed teachers and what they had to say regarding technology education. The findings were that they need more time as well as professional development. They mostly use email as the main avenue of technology, but are willing to use technology more efficiently with training. Having a useful school website was a target they would like to see in helping them become more efficient with communicating to parents and students as well as other stakeholders. The positive aspects of 21st century learning in technology is collaboration among all and addressing every learning need for every student through technology. Learning will become more active and teachers will become more facilitative. Challenges to technology are including the alignment with the curriculum, time for training and visiting classrooms, flexibility, and exploring best practices in the classroom for technology. It will fall on the administrators to assure that they model best practices in technology for their staff as well as provide time and funds for professional development. Leaders will need to encourage and provide tools for their teachers to use in acquiring the information needed. They will need to establish learning environments conducive to technology and create a safe and secure infrastructure that is dynamic. The needs of the state as determined by the Educational Technology Advisory Committee include needing a funding model for the infrastructure to be successful, to provide professional development for staff, and to have software standards established.
This new learning can assist me as an instructional leader by reminding me of what is coming in the future and what we need to address for that future. The plan listed recommendations for TEA, Region Education Service Centers, as well as communities and parents. As a leader to move forth in technology, this gave me a guideline of what to go by for the staff as well as the students. Addressing the needs of the state as well as what the majority of teachers' needs are was helpful in seeing that we all have the same issues that need help.

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